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Alesha George

Alesha George is a 21 year old creative entrepreneur. She is outspoken, determined, strong willed and free thinking. Creative is the word best used to describe her. She prefers to express herself through poem, song, dance, fashion and any other form of arts and entertainment within the creative industry. Alesha identifies with the 21st century generation as one of the very unique and passionate creative thinkers born into this world. Her passion is to identify and bond with like minded individuals, in order to collectively bring about positive change. With a diploma in Marketing Management and Business Administration, Alesha thrives best within the business sector, yet still shows equal passion, if not more, for the creative arts and media industries. Born and raised in Cape Town within one of many disadvantaged areas where envy, selfishness, negativity and ultimately anti social behavior is a norm, Alesha sought a way out through her writing, music, constant reading and wanting for a better life for herself and her family. This inspired her to adopt a positive attitude and outlook with everything she undertakes, by so doing, to positively impact the souls she comes into contact with. Words to live by: "The generations of the future, needs creative thinkers today- who will put in place foundations on which they can build to ensure humanities existence" - Alesha George.

1-What makes you African Inspired? What makes me African Inspired would have to be the fact that I am one of the many born frees in South Africa. I was born within the year that Apartheid had come to an end. That in itself is a revolution. I am African inspired because I am African, I am influenced and inspired by our surroundings on a day to day basis, inspired by what I see, inspired by how connected all of the races are today. Walking the streets of South Africa one can literally let ones senses bring to the fore the authenticity of being African. I feel alive and creative just coming into contact with the average African vendor, taxi driver, local food shops, fashion and curios stall owners.

2-As a female in the creative industry what steps are you taking to constantly empower yourself and other women in the industry? Being a creative is one thing, but being a female within the creative industry is still as challenging today as it was a decade or 2 ago. Yes, there is a lot of women being bold and taking that leap of faith to sort of empower ourselves through eduction. I believe the only way forward for women of this generation is to break loose from the stigma that has always labelled women as the weaker sex. It takes a strong willed,motivated and determined women to break into any industry to make her mark. Starting my own online magazine: Ideation "The Idea Generation" is one way in which I promote the plight of women trying to enter the creative or corporate arena. Through the platform that Ideation is providing, more women will be able to showcase their acumen, and in so doing, empowering themselves while inspiring others.

3-How would you describe your brand? My brand is best described through my latest venture which is Ideation Online Magazine- Ideation is all about individuals who are out there materializing ideas and concepts to help inspire the youth of today and the leaders of our future. That being said, although within today's creative industry, there are various ways of sharing and expressing originality and individuality, all of them still do not seem to stem off uniqueness. This is something I always strive to capture and portray through coming into contact with creative thinkers. My ultimate goal with my brand is to remain consistently artistic and creative in every way by dreaming, creating and inspiring change for a better future.

4- What was your new years resolution and have you broken it yet? My New Years resolution was to have NO New Years resolutions! My reason for sticking with this entering 2016 is to implement the plan I have set for myself exactly 5 years ago - which is gaining momentum vigorously and is currently keeping me on my grind 24/7 365! ‪#‎TheHustle‬

5-How have you used social media an effective tool to develop your brand? I have always been a self proclaimed social media junkie for as long as I can remember! Coming into my own and finding myself is what actually helped with developing my brand and realizing my dream. Once I had this all figured out, the best way for me to get myself out there was to utilize every social media platform I could get my hands on! I have always been quite opinionated in terms of the media, creative arts and entertainment industry and never steered away from expressing my opinions via social media. I have quite the following, most offended by these opinions, yet still eager to receive them with open arms, ears and eyes - which tells me that whatever I have said has provoked a thought, which in turn provoked a reaction (this is what IDEATION will evoke within its readers/followers).

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