#AfricanInspired #MCM #hippie #hippiewithdreads #dreadnation African American Nate also known as Kwaii is a 24yr old Fashion Desinger and customizes cars for a living. Influenced deeply by Japanese car culture is spends a lot of time working on cars giving them his personal touch. He draws a lot of energy from the darker sides of nature and earthly things. He is inspired by the 80s era of Rock a...nd Roll. For now he uses his own body to market the clothes he makes .His signature pieces include leather jackets and pants. When he is not busy customizing cars and clothes Kwaii is into art with a twist of horror to it. He describes himself as a hippie by nature. ''I believe in peace and that's it'' #goth #hippie #hippiewithdreads #lovelife #peace #rockandroll #jewelry #dreadnation #sprited #dope #treehugger #hippie #native #enchantedforest #21stCenturyCreative