Kgomotso Berry
24 year old Kgomots_Berry is a theatre and performance student at UCT in her third year, majorying in Theatre-Making. She is also a singer, radio DJ (UCT Radio) and writer( She has worked at The Market Theatre as an assistant stage manager also Warona Seane as director. She graduated in Theatre and Performance in 2012. She has performed at The National Arts Festival and has been in several productions since then. We managed to ask Berry a few... questions have to say her responses are uniques or maybe it is a theatre performer thing and we just get happy at new ways of thinking.Enjoy the read #AfricanInspiredDreams. What makes you African Inspired? All artists have stories to tell. I'm from Soweto so I've seen alot, not only from my own family but from "chilling with the boys at the corner". We all need to tell our own stories and stop expecting Americans to do it for us. Describe you biggest fear when taking the stage and do you over come it? My biggest fear taking the stage is not reaching my potential. I know I'm great but it's not egostical. I just know my worth but I sometimes fear that I won't reach MY high. How can changes be made to get people of color more leading roles in your industry? People of colour need to remember that they were Kings and Queens before they were slaves and that all 7+ billion people on earth have black power in their DNA. What does creativity mean to you in this generation? Creativity to me in this generation means not being subject to what a "black creative" should be. I write for all colours and stories and I hate that the theatre mostly restricts black theatre-makers into writing and creating for our kind. Don't get me wrong, it's all good for Black Consciousness but I'm a living being before I am a black person. Finish this sentence . ''Being a female performer to me represents......'' Being a female performer to me represents spiritual consciousness. Alot of black female artists in general are on the "black political conscious" and do you boo but how powerful is a black woman who knows that Genesis 1- "27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." God is a Woman